Why do I need a Cleo Wallet?

You’ve signed up for Cleo and want to know what this Wallet thing can do for you.

Written by Roisin Allum
Updated over a week ago

Do you think you have enough money to save money? A load of our users don’t think they do. 

Well, Cleo is here to tell you that that’s a load of hokum. 

The Cleo Wallet (no longer available in the UK) is our way of helping you do something that you never thought you’d be able to do – actually save money and not spend it.

It’s a way of hiding money from yourself, putting it away so you’re not tempted to spend it. It’s a barrier between present-well-intentioned you and your financially thoughtless future self.

If you're using free Cleo, use the Wallet for autosaving and putting money towards savings goals.

If you have Cleo Plus (no longer available in the UK), it gets even better. Cleo puts your Daily Cash (cashback on your everyday purchases) into your Wallet. 

To learn more about the Wallet, read the FAQs here.

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